My fyp project, SMART filtration system technique.
I am trying my best to simplify the description as possible, coz too many technical terms will just make you who are reading scratching your head.. =p

During i proposing the project, everything is in my finger tips. i am with my full confident that i am going to make it.
The project is to creating a filter that will service itself and wash itself, either manually or automaticly by using switching control. Switching control mean all the control process and mechanism will be realised physically by using relays, switches and sensors.

>> 2 types of control process, 1 by software programming (create a program that will control everythg), another by hardware interlock control(using relays).

So, until like begining of OCt, a discussion was made between me and my supervisor about the reseach and design value for the project.
"The value is low if you are just using hardware where everyone can make it with current technology"
"It will be unecessary to use software programming if your process control is not complicated"
This was the 2 contradiction point i am having that time. Whether to control using just hardware or software?

My supervisor tell me that it is FINE for him if i stick back to the hardware control. At the same time, he encourage me to do software as it will SOUNDS better. Then he intro me to use Visual Basic to create my GUI (Graphical User Interface).
>>From the message that sent by my Supervisor, i upgrade my project.

SInce i have change my project's fundamental from hardware to software control, EVERYTHING CHANGE!!!

This is a difficult that i face the most, i heard Visual Basic (VB) and GUI, but i never know who are they (its normal for me, coz i hate reading, so my knowledge is so so so limited >.<) I get VB 6.0 from Sze Yoong, started to explore VB during the 1st week of my holiday. Meanwhile, i been doing research how to communicate parallel port (output for VB) from VB's program.

Other than the very basic program syntax and introduction for VB, actually i found nothing related with my project from notes getting from SY. Continuing searching from internet.......

p/s: luckily my house connection not bad, still mange to load those site faster compare to uniten >.<


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