i still rmb how clear that dr.Azree ask us to put uniten website at our blog, ask us to visit the website more so that the 'XXx metric' will raise up..currently uniten xxx metric is the 12th among all the universities in m'sia, the management hope that we can reach top 10 in this year, 2009.

New sems is coming and i am goin bac to uniten to check in my hostel. after doubts for wat time is the check in time, i decided to check it online. but i cant found any..previously it is in the 'student announcement' column, but now it disappear.

"i wonder why, i wonder how , i wonder where they are" (quoted in WESTLIFE's MY LOVE)

then i tried to find it at the SEARCH column. the results shown few lines. simply i click the most related hyperlink. wow, fantastic, i found it!!!

but frm the table, the date showing last year date =.=

by trying another link, the same problem occur. all are showing 2008/09 semester information, and it was updated on OCt 2008. here are the links :
- http://www.uniten.edu.my/newhome/uploaded/admin/apartment/2008-2009%20Degree%20Student%20Check-in%20Check-out%20Dates%20-%2029Oct08.pdf
- http://www.uniten.edu.my/newhome/content_list.asp?contentid=2097

so, by common sense, i should follow the last year time, which was office hour, 8.30am - 5pm...

take innitiative action, but not hoping the result will change when u do not take any action...

thx my good uniten that provide me a bachelor in electrical engineering,
but good 'lame uniten', time to change if you wan quality..

if wan xxx metric to raise,
if wan more ppl visit your website,
if wan ppl tink that tis uni is 'got standard'

UPDATE lar... =.=


nice say!!!... haha

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